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templo e serenidade
materia medica

Luis, 41 years old

I decided to try Chinese medicine and what is certain is that it helped me a lot. I had a crisis with pain that I almost couldn't walk anymore and it was thanks to Chinese medicine, acupuncture and cupping, etc. I started walking normally again




To treat what condition did you seek support?

For treatment of oncological disease, neuroblastoma, stage IV high risk.

The experience has been positive.

Gonçalo, from the beginning, always felt good about going for the treatment, because of the space and environment that conveyed calm and tranquility.

As the experience has been (..) very positive, I would certainly recommend. 
The results at Gonçalo are spectacular, from the reduction of the side effects of conventional treatments, chemotherapy, to the improvement in food, sleep, energy and happiness. I would say that it makes perfect sense to carry out the sessions with the therapist who accompanied us


— Gonçalo Parents

“I have been accompanied by Chinese medicine for nine years
I sought post-operative support for the treatment of 
bowel cancer.
It helped me a lot.”



tratamento de acupuntura

“My healing experience with Carlos has been beneficial to all areas of my life. The repetitive strain injury I have was able to finally relax and heal from the sensitive understanding Carlos has.

Listening to me attentively and navigating through the multiple intricacies of my emotional and physical pain he was able to find the right solution to start easing my injuries. I was able to deepen the understanding

I have of my own system through Carlos' practice, which was an expanding moment for me and I am ever grateful!

Thank you Carlos!”


“De início procurei este apoio para tentar encontrar respostas face a algum cansaço que sentia. 
Mas, foi nos últimos dois anos que a MTC representou significativamente um apoio fulcral na minha saúde quando me surgiram alguns desconfortos e dormências. (A MTC) permitiu-me sentir um grande alívio de alguns dos sintomas que eram demasiado desconfortáveis naquela altura"


“Numa tarde de final de inverno, deram-me o contacto do Dr. Carlos Chan, estava eu mergulhada em episódios sucessivos de inflamação da mama – mastite granulomatosa cística neutrofílica.
Os tratamentos de acupuntura e fitoterapia efetuados pelo Dr. Carlos, durante este meu caminho de cura, fizeram com que os episódios de inflamação da mama se estabilizassem, e há já um ano que são inexistentes "


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Luis, 41 years old

"as Western medicine no longer offered me great solutions for my recovery I decided to try Chinese medicine and what is true is that it helped me a lot. I had a crisis with pain that I could hardly walk anymore and it was thanks to Chinese medicine, to acupuncture and cupping, etc. I started walking normally again”
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